Φωτοβολταϊκό AXitec 245-250 Watt υψηλής απόδοσης με θετική ανοχή και 10 χρόνια εργοστασιακή εγγύηση κατασκευαστού. Προνομιακή τιμή για ελάχιστη παραγγελία 12 τεμαχίων
60-cell polycrystalline solar module.
These solar modules are characterized by their above-average power efficiency of 15.06 %.
You can choose from among:
+++ Positive tolerances +++ 10 years manufacturer warranty +++ Performance Guarantee +++ Solarmodules overview +++
Guaranteed added value thanks to linear performance guarantee
Linear performance guarantee
AXITEC guarantees 97 % of the initial performance rating after the first year and thereafter an output decline of no more than 0.5 % per year.
Thus for you as a customer an output of at least 85% of the initial output rating is still guaranteed after a period of 25 years.
The AXITEC guarantee for the solar modules of the AC series as downloadable *.pdf file:
Warranty terms for solar modules of the AC series
Ελάχιστη ποσότητα 12 τεμάχια
Τιμή χωρίς ΦΠΑ